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Established in 1983 in the USA, Tammy Taylor Nails is a leader in the Professional Nail and Beauty industry. Nail Technicians and Cosmetologists rely on the Tammy Taylor brand in over 10,000 professional salons, world-wide.
Tammy Taylor Nails offers everything you need to be a successful nail technician, including:
- The highest quality nail products, tested and developed by Tammy Taylor
- Education and classes taught by highly-trained, certified Tammy Taylor nail educators
- An outstanding support team of personal educators, trained by Tammy Taylor
“I opened my first salon in 1981, when I was 18 years old, with only a $400 budget. It was only 385 square feet, but… within two years, it expanded into a larger, full-service salon, including my own professional nail product line, began offering seminars, workshops, teaching nail technicians, salon owners, beauty school instructors and students on skills and how to build their own business.
For over 30 years, I have developed a comprehensive business including nail products, tools and procedures helped shape the way the nail industry does nails.”
Tammy Taylor Blue Hills Desert Arabia offers manicure and pedicure nail services, using high quality gels, acrylic and dipping powders, as well as hybrid product application.